Tuesday 12 February 2013

Boutique B&B or Boutique hotel?

This has been exercising me for some time.  A number of what I would call boutique hotels have been forced to masquerade as boutique B&Bs, because they could not meet ALL the requirements for a hotel designation, as laid down by the quality standards of the Tourist Board (or Quality in Tourism, run by and for VisitEngland as they call it these days).  Now, however this is changing.  there is a good article on the subject, by VisitBritain -http://www.visitengland.org/Images/Boutique%20hotel%20or%20BB(4Dec12)3_tcm30-35814.pdf - which points out, quite reasonably, theat the standards should focus more on quality than quantity, and that the “hotel” moniker can now be applied to a wider group of accommodation providers, as long as they do it well.  Good news I think.

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